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attach gdbserver to itself


Current I am doing a trick that attach the gdbserver to itself when the process encounter the segment fault, like this:

void segv_handler(int no)
   int pid, status;

   char buf[128];

pid = getpid();

sprintf(buf, "/usr/bin/gdbserver :9988 --attach %d", pid);

   pid = fork();
   if (pid == 0) {
   } else
       ::wait((int *)&status);


But in most of time this can't get useful information, especially in multi threading env, most of time the result is wrong, of course, I am saying the backtrace.

But if I start program by gdbserver :9988 program, it can catch the error. What is the difference? How can I revise my code to make above code has same effect like starting the program by gdbserver?

I am debugging in ARM platform.

Any help appreciated!

Bin Chen

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