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Re: invoking GDB from FE and signals

On Sun, May 14, 2006 at 09:57:00AM +1200, Nick Roberts wrote:
> does it do when SIGINT is read" (which is sent by ~c^c).  Well it just works
> like it does in a terminal but then I was surprised when Daniel said:
>     When the inferior is running and you press Control-C, the signal goes to
>     the inferior, not to GDB.
> because I had thought it was the other way round and GDB could decide whether
> to pass the signal on to the inferior or not according to the output of
> "info signal".

Job control signals are funny.  The C-c sends a signal to the process
group in control of the current terminal, and when the inferior is
running, GDB makes sure that it "owns" the terminal (so that it won't
e.g. be automatically stopped with SIGTTIN if it tries to read()).

This all predates 'set tty' of course.

Daniel Jacobowitz

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