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Re: debugging shared libraries

Hi Kris,

Kris Warkentin wrote:
GDB has support for deferred breakpoints. Try:
> [...]

Yup, I know about that.

The problem I see, as I tried to allude to but maybe didn't
make clear, is e.g. that tab-completion of the breakpoint symbol
obviously doesn't work.  And although that might not seem
a major problem, I assumed that made it very difficult for the
GUI front ends to gdb (kdbg / eclipse / whatever) to be started
against a shared library.  (Which is my real ideal).

Though I guess thinking about it, maybe a GUI front end could
load the shared lib, let you identify the breakpoint, and then
behind the scenes save the name of the breakpoint symbol, load
the main executable and set it as a deferred breakpoint.  Do
any of the GUIs do that?



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