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Re: how to debug functions called from other classes

Jim, my question is how tobe able to step into BuildVcb. So far when I "step" the entire output of BuildVcb gets printed out.


On Sat, 10 Dec 2005, Jim Blandy wrote:

On 12/10/05, Grazia Russo-Lassner <> wrote:
the function BuildVcb is where the error message of my code comes from:

line50 : parser->BuildVcb(arg1, arg2);

So, 'BuildVcb' is a method of whatever class 'parser' points to; and when you call 'parser->BuildVcb', that code prints an error message; is that right?

What does GDB do when you reach line 50 and type 'step' to step into
the method call?  Can you show us a transcript?

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