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Re: About the debugging of gfortran arrays


Is there any comments on theses two problems.  I believe that there should 
be one way for gdb and gfortran to work well together. 

Do you think that it is okay for me to file two PRs against them?  


- Wu Zhou

On Sat, 25 Jun 2005, Wu Zhou wrote:

> Hello all,
> I am trying to use gdb to debug gfortran program and encountered some 
> problems with arrays:
> 1. The first one is about the lower bound.  It seems that gfortran change 
> the lower bound of some arrays to 0 by default (I got this feeling from my 
> experience and I also see this kind of transfer in part of the code in 
> gcc/fortran/trans-type.c. Dunno know whether it apply to all arrays. 
> Anyone could confirm or deny this?  Thanks in advance!)
> To handle this, GDB need to make responsive change.  But I have one 
> question here: is this kind of design (change the lower bound of array to 
> zero) indispensible here?  Is it ok to still output the original bounds in the 
> debug info?  
> 2. The second one is about two-dimension array.  In the debuginfo output 
> by gfortran, two-dimension array will be flatten to one-dimension.  Take a 
> look at the following testcase please:
>        program array2
>        integer a(5, 5)
>        do i = 1, 5
>          do j = 1, 5
>            a(i, j) = i * j
>            write (*, *) a(i, j)
>          end do
>        end do
>        end program
> After using gfortran to compile this testcase, I can use readelf to get
> the following debuginfo:
>  <2><89>: Abbrev Number: 3 (DW_TAG_variable)
>      DW_AT_name        : a
>      DW_AT_decl_file   : 1
>      DW_AT_decl_line   : 2
>      DW_AT_type        : <be>
>      DW_AT_location    : 3 byte block: 75 94 7f         (DW_OP_breg5: 
> -108)
>  ...
>  <1><be>: Abbrev Number: 7 (DW_TAG_array_type)
>      DW_AT_type        : <b6>
>  <2><c3>: Abbrev Number: 8 (DW_TAG_subrange_type)
>      DW_AT_type        : <b6>
>      DW_AT_lower_bound : 0
>      DW_AT_upper_bound : 24
> From the above, we can see that two-dimension array a(5, 5) is changed to
> a one-dimension array with 25 elements (0 - 24).  
> Although there is no problem for the output binary, but it make some 
> trouble for GDB.  So I am thinking of whether there is any solution
> for this in gfortran's side? 
> For example, treat it as one-dimension array in the outputed binary, but
> still output two-dimension one in the debug information.  Maybe others? 
> Just my two cents. Any comments are highly appreciated. 
> Cheers
> - Wu Zhou

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