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Re: [discuss] Support for reverse-execution

> Would not it be better to have a single "reverse" command which
> puts the debugger in "reverse" mode -- making step/stepi/next/nexti
> go backward.
> This might be handier for UI -- after all "step" can be abbreviated
> as 's', but reverse-step can't be abbreviated. This might be better
> in GUI too -- instead of doubling the number of "step" commands
> you'd have a single "gear" switch, that can be in either "forward"
> or "reverse" position.
> - Volodya

I'm certainly not opposed to that, although I lean a bit more
toward the separate "analogue" commands.

Fortunately, command interface is easy to implement.
Maybe we will float several independant patches that
each implement a different CLI to the same functionality,
so we can try them all out and get a feel for them.

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