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RE: BFD question

 Here is the output 

objdump -f Coregen

Coregen:     file format elf32-i386
architecture: i386, flags 0x00000112:
start address 0x08048400

This looks good to me.

By the way, I forgot to show in my code listing that p_file is a char *
passed in as a parameter ans is set to "/usr/coretest/Coregen"

-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Lance Taylor
To: Bloch, Jack
Cc: ''
Sent: 5/17/2004 4:01 PM
Subject: Re: BFD question

"Bloch, Jack" <> writes:

> The call to bfd_get_file_flags returns a 0. The file is indeed an
> target.

What does objdump -f return on the file?

Has the file perhaps been stripped?


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