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Re: Fwd: Two possible function stabs patches

Oops! Forgot to attach the actual patches. Fixed below.

OK, so I have not one, but two patches!

Um, these appear to come with a little history (Solaris perhaphs?). Can you provide a bit of a background? You'll likely also want to add something to the GNU stabs document found in the GDB distro.

The first one is less interesting. It uses the language's name for the function, unless it's a C++ function, in which case it uses the (mangled) assembler name. It'll give a stab like

        .stabs  "__ZN3bar3fooEv:F(0,1)",36,0,2,__ZN3bar3fooEv
        .stabs  "foo:F(0,1)",36,0,2,foo.11

The second one uses the 'printable name' for the function. That is, for C it's just the name, and for C++ it's the demangled version of its name. I am not at all sure it'll work, because it gives stabs like:

.stabs "int bar::foo():F(0,1)",36,0,2,__ZN3bar3fooEv

which I suspect can't be parsed.

Could someone help me test these? It needs a machine that can use stabs and on which the GDB testsuite doesn't give too many false positives.

I'd strongly encourage you to install GNU/Linux and *BSD on a couple local old/slow Mac boxes. It will make testing a lot easier.


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