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Re: Trunk build problems

> - It no longer configures directories that are not needed - huge time saver!

Also, it doesn't even list those directories in the Makefile, so we
don't waste time checking - repeatedly - to see if they're configured.

> - It can parallize configures

More accurately, it can configure one module while it starts building
another.  We can't actually do two configures at the same time because
of the shared cache.

> > - Under cygwin, libtermcap attempts to be build (which doesn't exist). This
> > causes a circular make problem as it can't change into the directory so does
> > a make in src again.
> Sounds like Makefile.tpl (?) needs a tweak?

Yup.  It should at least be "cd foo && make" not "cd foo; make", but a
make:configure dependency might be missing too.  Nate?

> > - If you do an incremental make in src it reconfigures a number of
> > directories *every time* (both linux and cygwin).
> One case of this - bfd - was fixed.  Is this another case?

Nate's working on a fix to cover all of them.  After that, we can
worry about missed ones.

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