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gdb-5.x and step over inline functions

 Is there any way to step over inline functions 
 when using gdb >= 5.1 ? Some (commandline or other)option 

 gdb-5.0 works as expected, but now I have problem
 with gcc >= 3.x because gdb-5.0 won't work with binaries
 compiled by gcc-3.x; when I start gdb, it only says:

    ...Dwarf Error: Cannot handle DW_FORM_strp in DWARF reader.

 And if I use gdb-5.1 (/gdb-5.1-20020124) it shows
 internals of inline-functions which is really annoying,
 turning gdb-5.1 to almost useless tool!

 I have used gcc option "-g3" with compilations and
 my host/target arch is GNULinux-alpha (ev56/ev67) but
 I think that this "step over inline functions" problem
 exist on other archs too.



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