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Re: gdb seg violation during print command (more info)

I just thought of something, and found an answer.

With tteesstt11 declared as
  int tteesstt11 (int)

if I do
   whatis tteesstt11 
I get
   type = int (void)
which I believe is wrong. So it is not surprising to me that when I do
   print tteesstt11(3)
gdb cannot resolve it.

I then changed the declaration to
  int tteesstt11 (int x)
and then when I do
  whatis tteesstt11
I get
  type = int (int)
which is correct. Now when I do
  print tteesstt11(3)
I get 4. Yay!

  int tteesstt11 (int)
  int tteesstt11 (int x)
should be indistinguishable as far as overloading, I believe.

-- DavidC

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