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Re: What should "finish" do?

> As I see it, there are two sensible options:
>     1) "finish" should finish executing the current function and cause
>        execution to stop when control is returned to the caller (at the
>        earliest point).
>     2) "finish" should finish executing the current function and cause
>        execution to stop when control is returned to the caller, but
>        after whatever (architecture specific, perhaps even compiler
>        specific) instructions are used to restore the caller-save
>        registers.
> Note that stopping at the next line is not a sensible option because
> if you finish out of g() in f(g()), it is an error to stop execution
> at the next line.  I.e, you want to have the opportunity to step into
> f().

And we are interested in the return value of g(), which might already
be clobbered if we stop in the next line.
I'd favor 2) as well, but I suspect that it will add extra hair for some

Peter Schauer

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