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Re: xcoff anybody?

Elena Zannoni wrote:
> I am trying to fix the section offsets /add-symbol-file thing.
> I am quite perplexed by xcoffread.c however.
> xcoffread.c is the only reader that uses its own function
> (xcoff_symfile_offsets() ) to set up the section offsets in the
> objfile, all the other readers (except for another one about which
> I'll send e-mail later) use the same function:
> default_symfile_offsets().

xcoff_symfile_offsets is probably a no-op - for AIX you don't
know where things really are until runtime, when you make a ptrace
call to get the location data and then pass it to objfile_relocate.
(Yes, this would make gdbserver for AIX a little tricky!)  A long
time ago I did some basic work to disentangle xcoff reading from
AIX native support, for the benefit of the Mac port, but it's
still not the case that xcoff is just another format that works
like all the others.

Unless cross-debugging for AIX is important all of a sudden, I
would say to keep it simple and not try to support arbitrary
relocation ability - just issue an error or something.

> Another thing:
> while grepping for vmap_symtab, I noticed the following:
> rs6000-nat.c:68:vmap_symtab PARAMS ((struct vmap *));
> rs6000-nat.c:335:vmap_symtab (vp)
> rs6000-nat.c:460:      vmap_symtab (vp);
> rs6000-nat.c:555:         vmap_symtab (vp);
> rs6000-nat.c:782:      vmap_symtab (vp);
> xcoffsolib.c:119:         vmap_symtab (vp, 0, 0); <<<<<< Wrong # of parameters.
> OK to fix this?

Fine by me.  It's probably my fault, I vaguely remember tinkering
with vmap_symtab at some point.


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