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Re: Breakpoints

>>>>> "David" == David Williams <> writes:
David> Hi all, Does GDB ever need to set more than one breakpoint when
David> stepping through source code? I have not (as yet) seen this
David> type of behaviour.

I don't know.  It would be useful if GDB only needed one breakpoint.
Yours is not the only target with a single hardware breakpoint.

David> I have a stub that supports breakpoints in flash via hardware
David> facility but it can set only one breakpoint. If GDB requires
David> more than one at time then I am in trouble. My target is
David> 68EZ328 (68000 core, not CPU32, no BDM, has its own peculiar
David> emulation mode). My stub currently looks for attempts to write
David> trap #1 op-codes to program memory (FLASH) and then instead of
David> writing to program memory it sets a hardware breakpoint at the
David> address (thanks Stan for the suggestion).

It might be useful to support the remote protocol's 'Z'/'z' breakpoint
commands.  This eliminates the possibility that a memory write will be
confused with breakpoint insertion.


J.T. Conklin
RedBack Networks

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