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Re: [PATCH 1/2] sim/opcodes: Allow use of out of tree cgen source directory

On 2018-11-27 15:27, Andrew Burgess wrote:
* Simon Marchi <> [2018-11-27 14:47:31 -0500]:

On 2018-11-27 06:21, Andrew Burgess wrote:
> Not as far as I can tell.  I left it in just in case, but as far as I
> can tell there's no way to "install" CGEN.  I'd be happy to drop the
> ../lib/cgen references (the else block) completely, and then validate
> that we have a CGEN source tree or error.... But the above seemed like
> the least invasive change.

From what I understand from you description, there's no way it could have been useful... but again, it's not hard to leave it there just to be safe.
It's not my decision anyway :).

Right now I more worried that the only SIM maintained hasn't been seen
on either the GDB list or the binutils list in months, and despite
being included on the to/cc list, hasn't followed up on this mail.

Still, it's not been a month yet, so I'm sure it will all work itself
out :)

By the way, maybe this should still be sent to binutils for the opcodes

I originally posted to the binutils list, and had the opcodes part
approved.  They pointed out that the sim/ part needed to be posted

Ah sorry, I didn't catch it was already approved, good!


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