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Re: GDB 8.1.1 release -- 2018-07-26 update

> Joel> Given that this is just a couple of hours of my time, unless we're
> Joel> sure it would be useless, I propose we still go ahead with the 8.1.1
> Joel> release.
> I think any of these choices seems reasonable.
> Are there other things in 8.1.1 that would be release-worthy?
> If not I suppose that would narrow it down to "wait for 8.2".

Thanks for the feedback, Tom. The list of changes for 8.1.1 can
be found at this URL:

And that was a good suggestion, as it fixes a complete breakage
of GDBserver on Windows. And still speaking of GDBserver, there was
a small change of behavior that Sergio fixed as well.

So worth a release, I would say.


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