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Re: GDB 8.1.1 release, 2018-05-30 update

> Yeah, I've pretty much given up on triggering the exact conditions
> that cause a user-visible manifestation of this bug. I have a dwarf
> assembler file that I've been hacking at, and it is getting *quite*
> large. Still no luck in causing this bug to trigger.
> However, I have been thinking about an alternative, easier way to
> trigger the bug. That is by wrapping add_symbol_to_list in
> dwarf2read.c with a custom version that checks if we are adding
> symbols to a language_minimal dictionary. If it sees that, it issues a
> complaint. [Or add another option to turn this on/off.]
> Once again that adds complexity into an already performance-sensitive
> area, and I'm not really sure it is worth the effort anymore. Not to
> mention how hacky it is!
> So really, I can continue down this road, or maintainers can make the
> call to omit a test case for it entirely. Otherwise, I'll return my
> attention to helping with the patch review backlog.

Why not submit the patch as is, without a testcase? Then, leave it
to me to rally the other maintainers to weigh in on the topic ;-).

The alternative option you suggest is kind of interesting; I would
have a hard time evaluating the performance impact without actually
doing some measurements. It could be unnoticeable, particularly
when building with optimization and inlining (I'm thinking that
the extra wrapper could be reduced to one test instruction or two
when complaints are off).


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