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Re: [PATCH5 PR gdb/16959] gdb hangs in infinite recursion

Hi Joel,

On 3/30/2018 3:52 PM, Joel Brobecker wrote:
I just emailed Weimin personally when I saw the branch creation,
but now I understand a little better:

I just did my first patch:

$ git push upstream fixes
Enter passphrase for key '/home/wepan/.ssh/id_rsa':
Counting objects: 17, done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (10/10), done.
Writing objects: 100% (10/10), 2.43 KiB, done.
Total 10 (delta 8), reused 0 (delta 0)
To ssh://
    0f59d5f..c9cf730  fixes -> fixes

and hope I did it correctly.
Actually, no :).

What you did is you pushed your branch called locally "fixes"
to the repository corresponding to "upstream".  So, when you did
the "push" command above, what happened is that it created
the "fixes" branch on the upstream repository. This is not
what you want, because (1) it creates a branch on the remote
where you fix is (and pollutes the already existing branches),
and (2) does not change the "master" branch, and so your fix
is not really applied to the current development branch either.

With your permission, I will start by fixing the mistake, which
was to create the "fixes" branch on the upstream repository.

Yes, please go ahead. Thanks.

On your end, I think the simplest solution is for you to
push your current "fixes" branch to upstream's master:

     $ git push upstream fixes:master

**HOWEVER**, BEFORE YOU DO SO, please do the following:

     $ git log upstream/master..fixes

Yes, the log command does show the correct patch. It was actually my fault
by following:


with "fixes" as the branch name, as opposed to Simon's suggestion of "master:master".

and verify that the list only shows the one path you are trying
to push. From your push of the "fixes" branch, I think that's correct,
but it's not a bad thing to be doing systematically, to make sure
you are pushing exactly what you think you are pushing.

I would like to recomment a book called "Pro Git" if you'd like
to learn about git. This is the book that allowed me to finally
break through git, and understand it.

OK, will see if Amazon carries it. Thanks.


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