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Re: [RFC] regresssion(internal-error) printing subprogram argument

Hi Pedro,

> > I'm curious to know if after all the fixing you still see
> > the KFAIL on your end.  I get:
> > 
> >   KPASS: gdb.ada/maint_with_ada.exp: maintenance check-psymtabs (PRMS gdb/22670)

I just started looking at this, and I am wondering whether your binder-
generated file looks like, and in particular whether it has the
following kind of declaration in

   u00045 : constant Version_32 := 16#f60287af#;
   pragma Export (C, u00045, "interfaces__cS");

IIRC, these are version consistency checks that are used by
the distributed system annex. If you don't have those in this file,
for some reason, then it would explain why you don't see the issue.

Continuing the investigation...


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