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about the gdb-7.11.1 release...


I just had a couple of thoughts about this release:

  1. I wanted to congratulate everyone who worked on it, looked at
     and fixed critical issues so that we could make that release
     around the time we where planning. Well done, guys!

  2. For gdb-7.10.1, we only had 7 changes on top of 7.10.
     For gdb-7.11.1, this time, we had 10.

     To me, that tells me that we're doing much better at stabilizing
     the branch before making the first release on the branch.
     Again, I think this comes from the hard work of those who
     help push critical fixes so we can indeed release.

I'm just the button-pusher. You guys should know that the work you do
makes a big difference.

All right, with that say, it's time to turns our eyes to the next
major release. Branching was scheduled early July, but I'm wondering
whether it might be a little too optimistic. Thoughts on that?
We have some fairly significant items on the NEWS list, but
the number of items is a little less than what we usually have...

Thanks again!

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