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Re: Experimental branches

> I'd like thirdparty branches to be under a certain namespace,
> so as to be able to disable a number of features for all third-party
> branches, on of them being email notifications, bugzilla, and IRC
> notifications.
> So, what do people think of using "topic/<username>/"?

Sounds good to me. At the risk of bikeshedding, "topic" sounds too
general to me -- how about "com" for company-sponsored branches (e.g.,
com/google/...") and "user" for individuals (e.g.,
"user/ccoutant/...")? Or "experimental"? But I'm OK with whatever you

That ship may already have sailed, though -- there are already quite a
few personal branches, some "<username>[-_]<topic>[-_]branch", some
"<username>/<topic>". Would it be easier to whitelist a few patterns
for branches that you *do* want those notifications for?


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