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Re: [PATCH 1/3] MI: fix the result of -break-insert with multiple locations

On Thu, Mar 07, 2013 at 09:43:41PM +0000, Marc Khouzam wrote:
> > How does the non-affectedness of a specific frontend matter
> > in that context? Are there first and second class citizens
> > when it comes to gdb frontends?
> I think it may simply be that Mircea is not familiar with the frontend
> landscape.  Eclipse is not the only frontend that uses MI to control
> GDB.  Andre takes care of another such frontend (I apologize but
> its names escapes me right at this moment).

Nevermind. Happens to me, too...
> Normally, MI changes should be backwards compatible (even
> if they are fixing something broken).  I have seen that for difficult
> changes, exceptions were made as long as no one mentioned 
> the change broke a frontend.  This is not the case here.

I have changed my side to transparently parse either result now.

Nevertheless, it would be nice if the application of the patch could be
delayed by a couple of weeks to keep the time window small where people
might use a newer gdb with an older version of said frontend.
That'd not exactly be vital, just - nice.


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