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New ARI warning Tue Sep 18 02:15:54 UTC 2012

> gdb/common/linux-ptrace.c:174: regression: strerror: Do not use strerror(), instead use safe_strerror()
gdb/common/linux-ptrace.c:174:	       strerror (errno));
> gdb/common/linux-ptrace.c:182: regression: strerror: Do not use strerror(), instead use safe_strerror()
gdb/common/linux-ptrace.c:182:	       strerror (errno));
> gdb/common/linux-ptrace.c:195: regression: strerror: Do not use strerror(), instead use safe_strerror()
gdb/common/linux-ptrace.c:195:		   (long) got_pid, strerror (errno));
> gdb/common/linux-ptrace.c:222: code: %p: Do not use printf(%p), instead use printf(%s,paddr()) to dump a target address, or host_address_to_string() for a host address
gdb/common/linux-ptrace.c:222:    warning (_("linux_ptrace_test_ret_to_nx: PC %p is neither near return "
> gdb/common/linux-ptrace.c:223: code: %p: Do not use printf(%p), instead use printf(%s,paddr()) to dump a target address, or host_address_to_string() for a host address
gdb/common/linux-ptrace.c:223:	       "address %p nor is the return instruction %p!"),

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