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Re: [RFC] Make version attribute of <target> really optional

Thanks, Daniel.

> The DTD says:
> version         CDATA   #FIXED "1.0"
> What's supposed to happen is that expat fills in this value when you
> parse the document.  It will complain if version is set to something
> besides 1.0, but add version="1.0" if it was not specified.

Aha, looks like I need to get a crash course in XML :-/. I have
a coworker who wrote XMLAda (an XML parser in Ada), so I'll ask him
when I see him this summer.

In the meantime...

> It looks to me like something is wrong with your expat [...]
> [...] (I usually use 1.95.8 since that's what Debian has).

I don't really understand what is going on. I tried 1.95.8 and 2.0.1
on our ppc-aix machine, and no luck. However, I tried identical
packages on my x86-linux laptop (running Debian GNU/Linux) by configuring
GDB for powerpc-elf, and this time, no problem with either version!

I'm running out of time for this activity, I want to start the 6.8
branch today. So I've reverted to what I did before, which is generate
the new files on my linux machine with ppc-elf debugger, and copy
the new files over to my AiX build for testing.

If I find the time later this summer after I get more litterate about
XML, I'll try to find out where the actual problem is.


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