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Re: [PATCH: mi-cmd-file.c]

Nick Roberts wrote:

>  > > Actually Emacs turns tooltips off if there is no macro information in
>  > > case of something like:
>  > > 
>  > > #define STOP abort ()
>  > > 
>  > > and the mouse hovers over STOP.  Macro information allows Emacs to
>  > > ensure that a macro doesn't expand to a function first.
>  > 
>  > Hmm, that sounds silly.  If there's no macro information, GDB won't be
>  > able to expand STOP to a function...
> Yes, what I've said is silly, but hopefully what I've done isn't.  When
> running in the old mode, as for Emacs 21, Emacs can't tell if the macro
> expands to a
> function, so turns off tooltips.  In the new mode, it checks to see if the
> macro expands to a function and if so, doesn't try to print its value
> (which would call abort () in this case).

I seems like this patch was checked in, and I see the following:

   FAIL: gdb.mi/mi-file.exp: request path info of current source file (basics.c)

and same for mi2-file.exp. Did you forgot to run testsuite, or forgot to
commit testsuite change?

- Volodya

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