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Re: [rfa] save space by using enum bitfields

There are a variety of semi-ugly ways to write this.  Andrew C
mentioned that he wanted to re-use the same way that gcc uses.
I like that.

Yep. It sux. But at least it's consistent with GCC, and since they've been using it for ages, we're on pretty safe ground.


Also I would prefer to keep the ": 8" in the structure definition
rather than stick it into the macro.  Some of these enum's need
even less space than 8 bits and we might get into some better
packing that way.

As far as the size goes, I will try my test case with "-readnow"
to suck in all the symbols from the target executable and its
shared libraries (gdb + libc).  With the old gdb, this takes
117280 kilobytes, most of which has to be symbol table related.

Michael C

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