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Re: [PATCH RFA] two MIPS opcodes patches to pull up to branch?

> On 24 Mar 2002 wrote:
>> What's the format to be used for branch ChangeLogs?
>> change log as originally committed (i.e., using original commit date)?
>> new entry at top of file or sorted in by original date?  etc.
> For changes on the branch, you are supposed to modify the ChangeLog
> files from the branch only.  The date should be the date of the commit 
> (otherwise, the logs are not in chronological order, which makes it hard 
> to track change history).


> In other words, you should do the same as you do on the trunk.  That's 
> why there's no mention of anything special in the branch policy text.

If the dates will differ, it doesn't hurt to add a ``From <date> <who>'' 
or ``Import <date> <who>'' or ...


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