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Re: [PATCH] Fix auto-solib-add bug (patch revised again)

> What does ``INT_MAX >> 22'' represent?

That was intended to provide a default threshold for the HPPA version
that interprets the solid add flag as a threshold in MB instead of a
boolean flag.  I don't recall now why I chose that particular value,
perhaps it comes out as the same as the current default or maybe I
just wanted something big.  Perhaps it would be fine to just replace it
with something like 1024 or something.

> the current GDB sources.  If you don't, please let me know and I'll
> do it...

I'll give it a try this weekend, though I'm pretty swamped.  If I get
too mired down to get to it, I'll let you know Monday.  I probably
won't have time to really try it out on all the configurations that it
potentially affects though...  Sigh.


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