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Re: libgdb (was none)

> I thought all the libgdb crud in the makefile was gone, thanks for
> pointing it out.  I'll delete it if nobody comes up with a good reason
> for saving it - incomplete and/or broken code in the source never seems
> to do anything except cause confusion and thus waste people's time, so
> it's better just to make it go away.

I vote for deleting it; principle of least confusion. Don't go out of your
way to make it harder for someone to do a real implementation later though.

Actually it might be fine to just comment it out, with a note to the effect
of "this functionality was never completely implemented" ...

Personally, I prefer protocol-based approaches to "lib" implementations.
I maintain the WRS/vxWorks commercial patches to GDB, and really need to
clean them up so they can go back in; unfortunately I came down with a
tenacious illness at the turn of the year, and since then I have been
struggling just to keep up with release deadlines.

Todd Whitesel
toddpw @