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Re: FC6 kernel lockups?

Mark Wielaard wrote:

Is anyone else testing on FC6.

Since yesterday.
I seem to still get the occasional lockup
even with the latest kernel when running our test suite. This is with
kernel 2.6.17-1.2564 on a x86 system.

[pmuldoon@dhcp-199 ~]$ rpm -q kernel kernel-2.6.17-1.2564.fc6

Also something changed in libvte-java, someone renamed a method from the
obviously wrongly spelled 'setBackGroud' to 'setBackGround'. We were
using the misspelled method. I don't see how to easily make this work,
except with some configure voodoo, on both FC5 and FC6 for now since the
old method was just removed.

Adam wrote a patch - just a compatibility layer. Sent it to Stepan. Stepan will put them in the RPM so both methods will work.



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