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is this a bug? (sendto socket call)

Hi All,

When I debugged deep into the various calls underneath 'sendto', I came across this section of code.  The call stack is something like this (not exact):

sendto -> sosend -> udp_send -> udp_output

In udp_output (udp_usrreq.c):
----------------- code -----------------------
    	if (addr) {
    		sin = (struct sockaddr_in *)addr;
    		laddr = inp->inp_laddr;
    		if (inp->inp_faddr.s_addr != INADDR_ANY) {         // <-------------------- ??
    			error = EISCONN;
    			goto release;
-------------------- end code -----------------------

The string inp_faddr is #defined to be inp_dependfaddr.inp46_foreign.ia46_addr4.

The structure for 'inp' is at the bottom of this email.   Anyway, in my debugger I see that inp_dependfaddr.inp46_foreign.ia46_addr4 is my desired remote address and  inp_dependladdr.inp46_foreign.ia46_addr4 is one of my local addresses.  Of course my remote address is not (INADDR_ANY) and I get the 'is already connected' (EISCONN) error.  Does this make sense to anyone else?  It doesn't to me.  I can include any other information if this isn't enough.  I am using 'sendto' in a way that seems to work when I compile and run under Linux instead of eCos.


(gdb) ptype inp
type = struct inpcb {
    struct {
        struct inpcb *le_next;
        struct inpcb **le_prev;
    } inp_hash;
    u_short inp_fport;
    u_short inp_lport;
    struct {
        struct inpcb *le_next;
        struct inpcb **le_prev;
    } inp_list;
    u_int32_t inp_flow;
    union {
        struct in_addr_4in6 inp46_foreign;
        struct in6_addr inp6_foreign;
    } inp_dependfaddr;
    union {
        struct in_addr_4in6 inp46_local;
        struct in6_addr inp6_local;
    } inp_dependladdr;
    char *inp_ppcb;
    struct inpcbinfo *inp_pcbinfo;
    struct socket *inp_socket;
    int inp_flags;
    union {
        struct route inp4_route;
        struct route inp6_route;
    } inp_dependroute;
    struct inpcbpolicy *inp_sp;
    u_char inp_vflag;
    u_char inp_ip_ttl;
    u_char inp_ip_p;
    struct {
        u_char inp4_ip_tos;
        struct mbuf *inp4_options;
        struct ip_moptions *inp4_moptions;
    } inp_depend4;
    struct {
        struct mbuf *inp6_options;
        struct ip6_recvpktopts *inp6_inputopts;
        struct ip6_pktopts *inp6_outputopts;
        struct ip6_moptions *inp6_moptions;
        struct icmp6_filter *inp6_icmp6filt;
        int inp6_cksum;
        u_short inp6_ifindex;
        short int inp6_hops;
    } inp_depend6;
    struct {
        struct inpcb *le_next;
        struct inpcb **le_prev;
    } inp_portlist;
    struct inpcbport *inp_phd;
    inp_gen_t inp_gencnt;
} *

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