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Re: Stack access violations in eCos

> > I agree with Bart, fixing HAL_THREAD_INIT_CONTEXT is the best way.
> Yep. I'll do this now, however I don't have an SH. Can you try the 
> attached patch?

thanks Jifl,
  your patch is applicable, and doesn't cause a crash when
  cyg_thread_create() is called with a forced odd stackspace.

  but why didn't you do

--- hal_var_bank.h-	Fri Apr  4 09:01:23 2003
+++ hal_var_bank.h	Fri Apr  4 10:00:59 2003
@@ -83,26 +83,26 @@
 // Arguments:
 // _sparg_ name of variable containing current sp, will be written with new sp
 // _thread_ thread object address, passed as argument to entry point
 // _entry_ entry point address.
 // _id_ bit pattern used in initializing registers, for debugging.
 #define HAL_THREAD_INIT_CONTEXT( _sparg_, _thread_, _entry_, _id_ )           \
     CYG_MACRO_START                                                           \
     register CYG_WORD _sp_ = (CYG_WORD)_sparg_;                               \
     register HAL_SavedRegisters *_regs_;                                      \
     int _i_;                                                                  \
-    _sp_ = _sp_ & ~(CYGARC_ALIGNMENT-1);                                      \
+    _sp_ = (_sp_ - sizeof(HAL_SavedRegisters)) & ~(CYGARC_ALIGNMENT-1);       \
     /* Note that _regs_ below should be aligned if HAL_SavedRegisters */      \
     /* stops being aligned to CYGARC_ALIGNMENT                        */      \
-    _regs_ = (HAL_SavedRegisters *)((_sp_) - sizeof(HAL_SavedRegisters));     \
+    _regs_ = (HAL_SavedRegisters *) _sp_;                                     \
     for( _i_ = 0; _i_ < 16; _i_++ ) (_regs_)->r[_i_] = (_id_)|_i_;            \
     (_regs_)->r[15] = (CYG_WORD)(_regs_);      /* SP = top of stack      */   \
     (_regs_)->r[04] = (CYG_WORD)(_thread_);    /* R4 = arg1 = thread ptr */   \
     (_regs_)->mach = 0;                        /* MACH = 0               */   \
     (_regs_)->macl = 0;                        /* MACL = 0               */   \
     (_regs_)->pr = (CYG_WORD)(_entry_);        /* PR = entry point       */   \
     (_regs_)->sr = 0;                          /* SR = enable interrupts */   \
     (_regs_)->pc = (CYG_WORD)(_entry_);        /* set PC for thread dbg  */   \
     _sparg_ = (CYG_ADDRESS)_regs_;                                            \

(same for hal_var_sp.h)
this would gurantee _sparg_ to be where it should,
even if sizeof(HAL_SavedRegisters) is not multiple of CYGARC_ALIGNMENT,
without additional waste of space.

Robert Larice

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