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This package does not have any valid version subdirectories
- To: "eCos" <ecos-discuss at sourceware dot cygnus dot com>
- Subject: [ECOS] This package does not have any valid version subdirectories
- From: "Patrick Doyle" <wpd at delcomsys dot com>
- Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2001 12:41:30 -0500
I just compiled the host tools from the latest CVS snapshot (as of 12:30 EST
today), set my ECOS_REPOSITORY to point to the packages subdirectory of that
snapshot and executed the following command:
ecosconfig list
To which I received "This package does not have any valid version
subdirectories" for every module listed.
Is this a known problem? Could this have anything to do with the fact that
I compiled and ran this code under a very recent (yesterday or the day
before) installation of cygwin on a W98 box?
Has anybody else seen this? Does anybody have any suggestions of where I
should start to debug this? (In the absense of answers to that last
question, I will grep through the sources for ecosconfig for the error
message and work my way backwards from there, but I figured it couldn't hurt
to ask).
I have scanned the archives and, while I have seen that others have seen
this error crop up from time to time, it appears that nobody has seen it for
every single module.