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RE: Redboot output

It looks like you've told RedBoot that you have two diagnostic I/O channels.
When RedBoot starts up, it will try both channels (hence the doubled data).
Once a character arrives on one of them, then only that one will be used.
This is why it looks correct (no duplicates) after you start typing.

On 01-Mar-2001 james chen wrote:
> Hello,
>         I have port part of eCos to my test board. for convience, I download
> redboot to my board use my monitor and run it in RAM. when redboot is first
> running, it will output the following words, each words has double
> characters. but when I input a command such as 'help', it will be ok. will
> you tell me why?
>       Thanks
> james chen
> ==========================================================
> RReeddBBoooott((ttmm))  ddeebbuugg  eennvviirroonnmmeenntt  --  bbuuiilltt
> 1111
>::4400::5599,,  MMaarr    11  22000011
> PPllaattffoorrmm::  AARRMM  ((AARRMM  77TTDDMMII))
> CCooppyyrriigghhtt  ((CC))  22000000,,  22000011,,  RReedd  HHaatt,,
> IInncc..
> RRAAMM::  00xx00cc000000000000--00xx00cc77ff00000000
> RReeddBBoooott>>  help
> Manage machine caches
>    cache [ON | OFF]
> Display (hex dump) a range of memory
>    dump -b <location> [-l <length>]
> Execute code at a location
>    go [-w <timeout>] [entry]
> Help about help?
>    help [<topic>]
> Load a file
>    load [-r] [-v] [-h <host>] [-m {TFTP | xyzMODEM}]
>         [-b <base_address>] <file_name>
> Reset the system
>    reset
> Display RedBoot version information
>    version
> RedBoot>

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