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Re: 68k simulator

>>>>> "Jesper" == Jesper Skov <> writes:

Jesper> People talking about writing 68k support may want to have a
Jesper> look at this sim. I have no idea of how close to being usable
Jesper> it is - but if the Sharp part has embedded controller stuff
Jesper> like the (IIRC) Phillips 68070 it may be worth using for the
Jesper> porting effort eCos.

Jesper> Come to think of it, there's also the UAE - the Amiga
Jesper> emulator. It would also have a m68k simulator which supports
Jesper> supervisor states.

Just got a few pointers on this from one of my childhood heros, Jason
Molenda :0)

jason> You wrote  
jason> a few weeks ago, pointing out a 68k simulator.
jason> I think a far better one would be the simulator in UAE, the
jason> amiga emulator that was written by Bernd Schmidt [wow! another
jason> Cy^H^HRed Hat dude!].  I talked with Bernd about how usable his
jason> simulator would be for something like gdb, and he said it'd
jason> work just fine, and the licensing on it was good, too.  It was
jason> just a matter of someone doing the work to patch it in to the
jason> sim directory.
jason> The simulator supports the 68000, 010, 020, and 68881 FPU.  Much
jason> nicer than most 68k sims out there that only do 68000.

So there. If you have the time to play, go and port eCos to UAE - I'm
sure it'll be a lot of fun!

Jesper /still very much a child at heart/

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