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[docbook] Questions about Refentries in an Appendix ...


  I've some problems formatting a document which have some Refentries in an appendix :

- the title of the appendix isn't at the top of a page (no page break) as
  the docbook documentation suggest it should

- I would like to have Refentries' titles in the toc : how this could be done ?

- I've tried to tell to put a page break before each level1 section with a fo stylesheet containing :

  <xsl:attribute-set name="">
    <xsl:attribute name="font-size">  <!-- If I don't put this, my titles are in a small font !? -->
      <xsl:value-of select="$body.font.master * 2.0736"/>

    <!-- added : -->
    <xsl:attribute name="break-before">page</xsl:attribute>

  all my level 1 sections of my document (an article) are on the top of a page (what I want)
  but also in my appendix, all titles of refentry's parts (Name, Description, Options, Files ...) !!
  How can I could avoid this ?

	Thanks for any clue,

Frédéric Boiteux  -  Calistel

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