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Re: URI/URL markup in DocBook

At 8:13 PM +0900 8/20/02, Michael Smith wrote:

  * Do you have a need for markup that would allow you to distinguish
    between different types of URLs and URNs?
  * If you do have such a need, what kind of URLs would you need to
    distinguish from one another?

In particular I often need to style resolvable and nonresolvable URLs differently. I generally place resolvable URLs into italics and nonresolvable URLs into monospace.

I do not think it's plausible or desirable to list all possible different categories of URLs with different elements. However, class and role attributes like those used on systemitem would be conceivable. Possibly the element should be called uri, the class attribute used to distinguish URLs from URNs, and the role attribute to specify SAX ferature URLs, namespace URLs, etc. On the other hand, URNs are not in common use and it might be better to just have a url element with class used for predefined classes and role used for user-created classes as on systemitem.

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