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Re: Bug at SGML DTD? Or at DSSSL stylesheets?

On Wed, 10 Jan 2001, wrote:
> / Jorge Godoy <> was heard to say:
>| I think that <para> shouldn't allow elements such as <figure> and
>| <table> within it. The same for <mediaobject> and other similar
>| elements. 
> You can make a customization that is a strict subset of DocBook (and
> therefore your instances are DocBook) that prohibits them.
> There are three schools of thought on this issue:
> 1. Figures (and other block-ish) things should appear in paras.
> 2. Figures should not appear in paras.  
> 3. Figures should appear in paras only if they are part of the
>    paragraph from a semantic point  of view.
> I tend to prefer 3 myself, but I've been authoring toward 2 most of
> the time because HTML takes position 2.

Hmmmm... I prefer 2. I don't see how to make 3 work without mixing
information... And 3 would also make positioning harder. 

>| Back to the problem, is this a bug in the DTD or at the DSSSL
>| stylesheets (figures not appearing in LoF)? What can I do to
>| correct it?
> I think the release that I'll make tonight or tomorrow morning fixes
> this problem. It's related to the broken ToC issue.

So I won't have to worry with that? :o)

My group did more tests and they reported that it happens whenever the
figure is in a list, not just inside a <para>. 

Thanks for the fast answer.
Godoy. <>

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