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Re: Bibliography: citing journal articles

Peter wrote:
| > <biblioentry>
| > <artheader>
| > <authorgroup>
| >   <author><firstname>W.</firstname><surname>Clinton</surname></author>
| >   <author><firstname>B.</firstname><surname>Jeltsin</surname></author>
| > </authorgroup>
| > <title>Ruling the World</title>
| > <volumenum>42</volumenum>
| > <artpagenums>113-152</artpagenums>
| > <pubdate>1999</pubdate>
| > </artheader>
| > </biblioentry>
| > 
| > Fine, but... where do I put the name of the journal?
| I just put it in <title> immediately following the </artheader>
| That is, I treat the remainder of the content of <biblioentry>
| as pertaining to the monograph, not the analytic entry. Not
| very elegant, I'm afraid.

And I see I failed to remark that Artheader will be discarded from
Biblioentry, so Peter needs to find another solution.  See

or perhaps more useable, the Docbook RFE list at

number 7

The point about citetitle is that everywhere else in Docbook, Title
is the title of the parent; Biblioentries don't have Titles (or at
least we haven't allowed them to because titled biblioentries don't
seem to appear in either our target domain or very often in the
wild, either) and what's intended here is exactly what Citetitle
is about - a reference to a title rather than the declaration of it.

regards, Terry

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