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Re: DAVENPORT: One question

On Sun, Jun 27, 1999 at 09:57:59PM -0400, Adam Di Carlo wrote:
> Rafael Jesus Alcantara Perez <> writes:
> > I have been using DocBook for a while, and I have found it very
> > useful. Besides that, I have a question: I use the tag 'emphasis',
> > but I would like to have bold-italic or, at least, bold fonts. Do I
> > have missed the proper tag?
> This is a styling issue, not a DocBook issue per se.  See the
> documentation with whatever you are using to style your text.
> SGML and XML are all about the logical markup of text.  As such,
> issues of styling such as these fall below the radar, as it were, or
> should at least.  

Just to clarify -- IMHO, this is not strictly true.  You can create a 
markup language using SGML or XML in which the elements do denote 
different formatting styles.

Indeed, this might be useful if you were creating a markup language to
describe information that had originally been printed, where the 
formatting of the information was an important part of the information
itself.  And HTML is an example of an SGML language (application, for
the purists) that does have elements (rightly or wrongly) for style.

It would be more correct to say that DocBook is about the logical markup
of text, and that issues of styling fall below its radar, yes?

 [intentional self-reference] can be easily accommodated using a blessed,
 non-self-referential dummy head-node whose own object destructor severs
 the links.
    -- Tom Christiansen in <>

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