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Re: [docbook-apps] Table of figure

Le mercredi 7 juillet 2004, Mauritz Jeanson disait :

>Read about lists of figures and lists of tables in Bob Stayton's guide 

I read this part of the Bob's Sayton guide, but the result is not ok for
me (I must have interstood something wrong).

I use xsltproc with this command line :

xsltproc /home/jacques/docbook/xsl/html/docbook.xsl \
--stringparam generate.toc book figure table toc \
--stringparam chapter.autolabel 1 \
--stringparam section.autolabel 1 \
--stringparam section.label.includes.component.label 1 \
--stringparam html.stylesheet /home/jacques/Documents/myStyle.css\
--xinclude \
myBook.xml > myBook.html
 I try with double quote arround book figure table toc, with single
quote, whitout quote... :-(

Something is wrong in my command line, but I can't find what.

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