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Re: [docbook-apps] admon graphics: GIF vs PNG

On Thursday 21 August 2003 04:32, Juan R. Migoya wrote:
> Mike Mueller wrote:

> >2. If I should use the .pngs, then is there a recipe for modifying the
> > DSSSL?
> In dbparam.dsl:
> (define admon-graphic-default-extension
> ".png")

I tried this and it did not work.

With your help I was able see that dbparam.dsl and the DSSSL in the Cogent 
reference both contain admon graphics path controls.  Closer inspection of 
the Cogent file has a comment stating results similar to mine regarding the 
admon-graphic-default-extension control.

When I changed "warning.gif" to "warning.png" in dbparam.dsl, the warning.png 
icon was used.

I guess I'll substitute "png" for "gif" in dbparam.dsl unless I'm this is 
wrong. (I'm doing this in the html version.)

Here is the relevent section from the Cogent reference at

;; This overrides the default .gif extension for print admontions.
(define ($admon-graphic$ #!optional (nd (current-node)))
  (cond ((equal? (gi nd) (normalize "tip"))
 (string-append %admon-graphics-path% "tip.png"))
((equal? (gi nd) (normalize "note"))
 (string-append %admon-graphics-path% "note.png"))
((equal? (gi nd) (normalize "important"))
 (string-append %admon-graphics-path% "important.png"))
((equal? (gi nd) (normalize "caution"))
 (string-append %admon-graphics-path% "caution.png"))
((equal? (gi nd) (normalize "warning"))
 (string-append %admon-graphics-path% "warning.png"))
(else (error (string-append (gi nd) " is not an admonition.")))))

;; Identify the default extension for admonition graphics. This allows
;; backends to select different images (e.g., EPS for print, PNG for
;; PDF, etc.)  It doesn' seem to be working, so we used the override above.
(define admon-graphic-default-extension ".png")


> >6. OT: Is it socially acceptable to be using openjade and sgml these days?
> I dont know what "socially acceptable" means in this context. I have
> been usin those tools to make
> large manuals (both in pdf and in html) and they look good. But yes,
> perhaps you have to work
> to get a stylesheet that fit your needs. And you can use XML with
> Openjade. I do it!

Since I am coming to this list for free help then I want to make sure I am 
using tools that are current.  I don't work with DocBook much so I'm still 
trying to choose which processing technology to spend time learning.  
Openjade seems to work fine so I'll stick with it until I find a good reason 
to change.  Output styling is not a top priority for me now.

Thanks for your help.
Mike Mueller
Registration No. 324881 (08/20/2003)

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