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Re: [docbook-apps] Modularization technique

From: "Jeff Beal" <>
> Good XML editors have their own mechanisms for dealing with this problem.
> (In fact, I don't consider an editor to be good unless it has such a
> mechanism.)  Epic wraps the DOCTYPE declarations with XML comments.
> Emacs/PSGML uses local buffer variables to point to the parent document.
> XMetal uses a processing instruction to point to the DTD.  WordPerfect has
> catalog that maps the root element to the DTD.  I've never used
> so I don't know if it passes my "good XML editor" test, but I would expect
> it to have some sort of workaround.

The problem is that external entities must be separately validatable, right?
How do any of these solutions help? Unless, of course, the entities can only
be validated by the editor.

Seems like a more appropriate solution would be to use a validator that
allows the DTD to be specified outside the document. (And an editor that
allows same.)

Bob Foster

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