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Re: [docbook-apps] How to encode HTMLHelp topic alias: <?dbhh topicname="some_title"topicid="42"?>

Taro Ikai wrote:

In my document, chap1.xml, I put:

  <para id="foo">la la la</para>
  <?dbhh topicname="foo" topicid="777"?>

When I run this through xsltproc --nonet /usr/share/docbook-xsl/htmlhelp/htmlhelp.xsl mydocbook.xml
I get the following in my alias.h file that's included in my alias.h file:

foo=ch01.html (I can't find any use of '#' or a fragment identifier).

HTML Help API doesn't support fragment identifiers.

In the ch01.html, I find:

<p><a name="foo"></a></p>

There is no mention of "777" anywhere, either in the alias.h file or the intermediate .html file.

This number you can find in context.h which should be generated by stylesheets.

So my question is this. How is the "topicid" attribute used inside <?dbhh> element? What do I have to do to make HTML Help jump to the correct SPOT on the page for a topic?

Could you describe what exactly is your problem? <?dbhh ?> is useful only if you want to create context sensitive help which can be invoked directly from application. Compiler needs special files alias.h and context.h for conecting application with help topics.

  Jirka Kosek  	

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