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RE: [docbook-apps] Customising header.content template for XSL/FO

The fo: prefix has to be declared in each individual stylesheet using it.
Chances are good that none of the rest of your customizations use the fo:
prefix (many types of customizations, such as parameters and attribute-sets
never use the namespace prefix).  You will need to declare the fo namespace
with the following declaration within the start tag of your xsl:stylesheet


Jeff Beal

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nick Hunt []
> Sent: Friday, July 11, 2003 2:21 PM
> To:
> Subject: [docbook-apps] Customising header.content template for XSL/FO
> Hi All,
> I am trying to customise headers in my PDF output (xsltproc/FOP 
> toolchain) by overriding the header.content template
> in my driver file. Whatever I do, even if I simply copy the original 
> template across, I get errors of the form:
> XML/config-fo.xsl:37: warning: Namespace prefix fo is not defined
>    <fo:block>
>             ^
> XML/config-fo.xsl:48: warning: Namespace prefix fo is not defined
>          <fo:page-number/>
>                         ^
> Without the copy of the header.content template in the driver 
> file, all 
> is well. I have seen this customisation discussed on the list, so it 
> must work for others. Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Nick.
> System: xsltproc and FOP on Mac OS X, all latest versions. Release 
> 1.63.1 of the XSL style sheets.
> ----------------------------------------
> Nick Hunt
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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