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Re: Re: XIncludes

Stefan Bylund:
> Hi Damian,
> I first tried xincluder but I soon found out that xmllint is more fully
> featured. I use the following command to resolve all xincludes before invoking
> the XSLT processor (Saxon):
> xmllint --xinclude --catalogs document.xml > resolved.xml
> Note that xmllint uses the SGML_CATALOG_FILES environment variable to find the
> catalog(s).
> The xmllint tool is part of libxml2 which is located at It
> is also a very good validating XML parser; I use it the following way:
> xmllint --xinclude --postvalid --noout --catalogs document.xml
Thx for this hint !!!

Now Error searching became so much easier.



Jens Skripczynski
E-Mail: skripczynski(at)mail2003(dot)skripczynski(dot)de

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