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Re: xmlns attribute in xhtml output...

Daniel Veillard wrote:
On Wed, Sep 18, 2002 at 12:52:19PM -0400, ed nixon wrote:
Processing my sdbook file with xsltproc and the xhtml/docbook.xsl from version 1.55.0 on Win2K, I'm getting xmlns attributes in every html output tag.
  What version of xsltproc ? Try to upgrade to the latests (2.4.24/1.0.20)
versions of libxml2/libxslt .
Same configuration of tools; xsltproc/xmllib seem to be current.

Looking at this problem some more this evening. It seems that I will get the xmlns attribute in every (x)html element if I leave the output method set to "xml"; when I change the output method the "html" the xmlns attribute in tags disappears but I'm left with an HTML 4.01 Transitional DOCTYPE rather than what I want, which is xhtml 1.x transitional. XSLTPROC overrides both the doctype-public and doctype-system attributes if I set method="html".

Cross checking with Saxon 6.5 Win32 compiled, I get more or less what I want as far as DOCTYPE and xmlns behaviour but it's doing very strange things to the <span> elements that surround <em> elements in the source.

How do I turn off all the xmlns stuff and retain the xhtml transitional DOCTYPE?

Thanks. ...edN

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