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Re: Re: Bibliography abstracts are suppressed in output

On Wed, May 29, 2002 at 12:15:27PM -0400, Norman Walsh wrote:

> | in bib entries. Or is there some other method I should be using ?
> No, you'll just need a small stylesheet tweak to render them. XSL or DSSSL?

XSL (sorry I didn't say). Yes, I'd appreciate a hint on how to modify
the template via customisation.

However, I posted this after discussions with xmldoc; is there a good
reason to supress this by default ? Wouldn't it be better to avoid 
everybody having the same problem again and again ?

For that matter, I would say the same about a number of things I have
in my customisation template e.g. adding the missing doctypes from
chunk.xsl etc.

Isn't it better to have standards-compliant, useful output out of the
box ? Whilst some things (like getting chunked XHTML 1.0 Strict output)
are hard for the standard XSL distribution to do flexibly, most of these
things can be turned off, if some one really wants to change the
doctype, no ?


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