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Re: sqlite3- packages to test

On 2/6/2013 15:44, David Stacey wrote:
I've run four sets of tests, with sqlite3 3.7.13 and
3.7.15, both with and without Warren's patch. The bottom line is that
Subversion appears to function identically in all four cases, and there
was no significant difference in runtime performance (i.e. the time
taken to run the tests).

I'm inferring from "four tests" that this result is for the fsfs case only, and that bdb is still assumed to have a problem.

Since this report of yours on Jan 9, I've been meaning to try and set up the famous SQLite test suite on a Cygwin box and set it to grinding, to exonerate the new .15.1 builds. But if we think it now doesn't matter...

I can supply more details if you need them, but essentially Subversion
appears to function happily with sqlite3 3.7.13 or 3.7.15, both with or
without the patch.

.15.2 is out, so do you want me to build a new set of packages for you to test and potentially GTG?

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