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Re: sigwait() ignores non-thread-specific pending signals

On Thu, Dec 06, 2012 at 01:36:18PM +0100, Andreas Steenpa? wrote:
>I have noticed that sigwait() does not return immediately if called in
>the following situation:
>* One of the signals the command is looking for isalready pending.
>* This signal was send to the entire process rather than to a specific
>* sigwait() is called from a thread other than the 'main' thread.
>Look at the test case below. The function test_sigwait() is first called
>from the 'main' thread and then from another thread created in main().
>This should not make a difference here, but the function shows different
>My interpretation is that sigwait() simply forgets to look for
>non-thread-specific signals which are already pending at the time when
>it is called.

I don't see any difference between Cygwin and Linux when I run the
test program.


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